Wine Article

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No matter what you tipple is; white
pink or sparkling
storing your wine correctly is essential. Simply putting your favourite bottle above the fridge and forgetting about it for a year could drastically alter the taste
when you come to enjoy it at that special occasion
it might not be as favourable as you hoped.

Despite wines being a perishable commodity
properly caring for and storing your wine can actually improve its’ aroma
texture and complexity over time.

Step 1: How long are you storing your wine for?

The first decision to make is how long you are planning to store your wine for. Generally short term storage means 3 to 6 months and should be your cheaper
less cherished wines
where as long term can mean decades and should be reserved for your quality
precious wines.

Step 2: Correct storage conditions

Whether it’s short or long term storage the same rules apply
firstly and most crucially the bottles should be laid horizontally instead of upright
this ensures the cork remains moist
to stop it drying out.

It is essential to keep the wines in a vibration free environment so they can not move about
therefore on top of electrical appliances or a place subject to external forces (i.e. from a subway) should be avoided.

Wine can be greatly affected by its surrounding temperature; the ideal temperature is roughly 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12ฐC). Bottles should be kept out of drafts and any temperature change should be very gradual.

Additionally light can negatively impact on a wine
which is why some wine bottles are made of coloured glass. Wine must be kept out of direct sun light
since too much light can react with proteins in wine
forming a haze and bad aromas to pollute its’ flavour.

For long term storage
the correct atmospheric conditions are required. Humidity has to be very high
approximately 70% or more
in order to stop the cork drying out and to reduce the chance of wine evaporating. Also when storing long term
consider the wines surroundings
ensure there are no other foods or liquids that could be absorbed into the wine itself. Substances with strong aromas for example fuel or vinegar must be kept elsewhere!

Step 3: Enjoy…

When the time comes to pop the cork and savour all your hard work
drink responsibly but do try to finish bottles within a few days of opening
since as soon as the wine is exposed to air it starts mixing with oxygen. This is known as oxidation
which also alters the essence of the wine.

Correct wine storage is fundamental for any serious wine lover
enthusiast or even hobbyist. The most effective storage is in a wine cellar
since numerous bottles can be kept conveniently out of sight yet in the perfect conditions.

