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Social context

Many social traditions and activities are very associated with drinking beer
such as playing cards
or other games. The consumption of beer in isolation and excess may be associated with people drinking away their troubles
while drinking in excess with company may be associated with binge drinking.

Around the world

All over the world
beer is consumed. There are several breweries in the Middle East countries as well
such as Iraq and Syria. There is also breweries in African countries and other remote countries such as Mongolia as well.

Glassware serving

Getting an appropriate beer glass is considered desirable by some drinkers. There are some drinkers of beer that may sometimes drink out of the bottle or can
while others may choose to pour their beer into a glass. Drinking from a bottle picks up aromas by the nose
so if a drinker wishes to appreciate the aroma of a beer
the beer is first poured into a mug
or stein.

Similar to wine
there is specialized styles of glasses for some types of beer
with some breweries producing glassware intended for their own styles of beer.


The conditions for serving beer have a big influence on a drinker's experiences. An important factor when drinking is the temperature - as colder temperatures will start to inhibit the chemical senses of the tongue and throat
which will narrow down the flavor profile of beer
allow certain lagers to release their crispness.


The process of pouring will have an influence on the presentation of beer. The flow rate from the tap
titling of the glass
and position of the pour into the glass will all affect the outcome
such as the size and longevity of the head and the turbulence of the bar as it begins to release the carbonation.

The more heavily carbonated beers such as German pilseners will need settling time before they are served
although many of them are served with the addition of the remaining yeast at the bottom to add extra color and flavor.

Beer rating

The rating of beer is a craze that combines the enjoyment of drinking beer with the hobby of collecting it. Those that drink beer sometimes tend to record their scores and comments on various internet websites.

This is a worldwide activity
as people in the United States will swap bottles of beer with those living in New Zealand and Russia. The scores may then be tallied together to create lists of the most popular beers in each country as well as those throughout the world.
