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Everyone knows that if your looking for the best in coffee
you go to Seattle. For wine
you go to California. When it comes to the best in beer
you go to Portland Oregon
where your never more than 15 minutes away from a quality brewpub.

The Williamette Rive in western Oregon has been the center of hop growing and brewing since the days of the pioneers. When the microbrew revolution began
the history and the hops were already there
along with the spring water
the grain
and the fruit for summer beers. As a result
regional brewers and microbrewers began to pop up all over the place.

After that
it didn't take long at all for the brewpub to follow. These beers weren't just for washing down food anymore. The hand crafted beers could be used in cooking
just like wine. In the brewpubs of Portland
the beer also forms a base for salad dressing
spices up marinades
and even helps to sweeten the desserts as well.

Many brewpubs will offer a sampler of the best in beer tasting. You can think of it as wine tasting without the snooty steward. You sip on small amounts of a variety of brews to see what the brewer can do
from the light and hoppy to the dark yet sweet brews.

What to expect

Good head on the beer. Good head ensures that you'll get a strong smell of the brew
so be sure to pour it into your glass very carefully.

Always use a glass. You should always use a clean glass
a very clean glass. In most brewing establishments
the glasses are always hand washed and air dried to ensure that there isn't a speck of grease in the glass to deflate the head and leave soapy looking bubbles behind.

The English are right. As the English know
refrigerated beer is too cold to fully appreciate the taste. In brewpubs
the beer is served at temperatures that are cool but not that cold. The iced and chilled glasses are saved for martinis.

Vocabulary. Beer has a mouth feel
which describes the body of the brew - light
and full. The color can be misleading
as even light bodied beers can be full bodied.

Anytime you are looking for the best in microbrews
you can count on Oregon to deliver the best in beer. There are hundreds of brewpubs here
with everything you could ever want. Anytime you are in the area
don't hesitate to stop off and see why the microbrews here are easily among the best in the United States - or the world for that matter.
