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If you are just as interested in travel as you are in food
then the history of French foods is one in particular that you are going to want to become more familiar with. The history of French foods is one which actually begins as far back as 1400 A.D.
when the first French cookbooks imitated Moorish cuisine and sugar
which was still considered very much as being a luxury
was what was used to sweeten the various dishes.


During the 1600s it was Royal patronage which truly promoted French cooking
with various dishes of fish and fruit being the most popular. There are many examples
particularly from this time that go to show just how important food has always been in France. For instance a butler once killed himself because his lobsters arrived late.

It was also during this time in French history that Dom Perignon invented the art of making champagne
as he began storing his wine in bottles that were strong enough to contain the petulance of secondary fermentation. Coffee was also introduced around the same time
in 1644
while in 1686 the development of the croissant celebrated a true Christian victory in Austria over the crescent banners of the Turks.


The 18th century also played a great role in the history of French foods
and it was really during this time in particular that the appeal of French food began to grow with the prestige of French culture. The restaurant movement also began around this time and there was a new journalistic breed coming about
namely including food critics and restaurant reviewers.


Although the 19th and 20th centuries also had their influences on the history of French foods
it has been the 21st century more than either of those which have played a role. French cuisine is now renowned around the world more than ever before and held high in regard and respect. There is really no other country in the world that takes its cuisine as seriously and significantly as the French
< and French cooking is really not a monolith
but rather it ranges from the olives and seafood of Provence to the butter and roasts of Tours.

There is so much variety with French cuisine
and this is actually one of the most valuable aspects of all that people need to understand and recognize when it comes to the history of French foods.
