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Want Seafood? Go Alaskan!

A few miles north of mainland America is Alaska
the lone state
and the proud producer of some of the world’s finest seafood. The pristine waters of Alaska are home to five different varieties of Salmon
four different varieties of Whitefish
and a myriad of jumbo-sized shellfish.

Alaska offers clean
untainted waters where its seafood can grow and develop in the wild. There is no fish farming here
only the generous bounty of the ocean. Alaska is the only state which prides itself on its fishing industry
and you can feel a bit better knowing that Alaskan fisheries only produce what is sustainable by the ecosystem- the state works hard to ensure that no over fishing takes place and that the fish populations remain at healthy and sustainable levels.

There are few regions in the world which offer a comparable variety to Alaska. This is hardly surprising
as Alaska is home to over three million lakes
three thousand rivers
and over thirty-four thousand miles of coastline. Along with being a popular tourist destination
Alaskan habitat is largely unspoiled
ensuring that the stock of fish is constantly healthy and mature.

and Health

Alaskan Salmon is of the same significance as Alberta Beef- seafood lovers everywhere know the difference between farmed Salmon and a fresh
Alaskan Salmon. The difference comes as more than just taste (though the difference is quite significant)
but also in color and texture. Alaskan Salmon has a much deeper color
and is quite tender. Just as a steak lover will notice the difference between AAA
prime-cut beef and poor quality beef
a Salmon lover will immediately see
and taste the difference.

But Alaskan seafood is about much more than simply tasking great. Your body needs certain essential acids
and fats in order to stay healthy- all of these are joyously provided by Alaskan seafood
which is low in saturated and trans fats
high in lean proteins and amino acids
and full of vitamins and nutrients.

In fact
many experts cite seafood as one of the most important sources of protein and amino acids
and recommend between six and ten servings of seafood per week.


Having trouble thinking of ways to incorporate seafood into your diet? Try some extra-large Alaskan Scallops
or perhaps some Alaskan Spot Prawns. Both are delicious
easy to prepare
and are high in iron and lean protein. Reducing the amount of red meat that you eat and replacing it with fresh Alaskan Seafood is a great way to increase your consumption of amino acids and essential fatty acids while reducing your cholesterol at the same time.

Alaskan Seafood – Good for the body
Great for the soul.
