Wine Article

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These are the sights mouthwatering moments are made of: a handful of spices that make your mouth tingle
a basket of fresh vegetables
a pot of sizzling meat
a bowl of filling rice. Mumbai
India is one of the great culinary wonderlands of the world. From fine cuisine to the local fastfood
Mumbai has a dish for everyone - from the man who will eat anything to the gastronome on the prowl for the tasty and the exotic.

The good news is that thanks to cheap flights from UK to Mumbai
you don't have to spend a small fortune to sample Mumbai's fares. Most airports in the UK
including London Heathrow
and Newcastle have flights available. Availing of cheap flights from UK to Mumbai isn't a problem. In fact
all you have to do is inquire from your airline of choice whether or not they fly directly
or with connecting flights
to Mumbai.

The Seventh Costliest City in the World
India may be a third world country
but that doesn't make Mumbai a cheap destination. In fact
the Economic Times lists Mumbai as the seventh costliest city in the world. Thankfully
the dollar and the pound are princes among currencies. The high costs of almost everything notwithstanding
your dollar can pay for a lot. Still
it pays to cut corners wherever you can. In visiting India's financial capital
one such corner is finding a cheap flight from UK to Mumbai.

From Eyes to Stomach
in Minutes
In Mumbai
eating is not only a necessity
it is an experience. Make the most of your cheap flight from UK to Mumbai by trying sumptuous street dishes. Most city streets near public transport stations are filled with pushcarts. From these pushcarts
you can sample exotic eatables like bhelpuri
a sweet-spicy combination of puffed rice
spices like onions
boiled potatoes
and chutney; pani puri
or puffed flour cakes made from either white flour or semolina
with a choice of filling such as tamarind chutney
or chili; vada pav
or fried dumplings sandwiched in slices of leavened wheat bread; and finally
pav bhaji
which are fried vegetables served with leavened wheat bread. These delicacies are prepared on the spot for customers. So
you could not only watch your food being cooked
you could learn how to cook them as well!

Dining in Style in Mumbai
Cheap flights from UK to Mumbai take you from airports to lavishly decorated restaurants. You can't take ten steps in Mumbai and not run into one. Several dining places of note are:

Anant Ashram: This restaurant is a favorite of Mumbai's upper class. It serves authentic Indian dishes.

Masala Kraft: Known for artistic as well as creative food presentation
this restaurant serves modern dishes from different regions of India.

Brittania Restaurant: Located on Sprott Road
this restaurant is known for serving Parsi dishes
or meals that combine of Indian and Persian influences. It has been in business for more than 80 years.

When you think of Mumbai
you think of a kaleidoscope of ideas: spices
tradition. There is no doubt the city's soul is as intricate as a richly-woven sari or a bowl of bhelpuri. Thanks to cheap flights from UK to Mumbai
you can get to know the city
one platter at a time.
read more “City For The Hungry Mumbai”

This rustic Italian bread is unique. The dough is so wet that you don’t even shape the loaf—just scrape it onto the baking pan into any interesting shape. The resulting loaf is flat and irregular; Ciabatta in Italian means “old slipper”. The extra moisture in the dough creates an open
unusual crumb. The bread is baked in a steamy environment
which creates a wonderful chewy crust. We hope you enjoy this authentic Italian bread.

Note: Each step in the mixing of this bread is simple and straightforward but to develop the texture
the dough must rise three times. Please allow up to three hours for rising.

For the sponge:
cups warm water (about 105 degrees)
yeast packet
cup olive oil
cups bread flour
teaspoon dough conditioner
cups bread flour
tablespoon salt
tablespoon flour (for dusting)
cornmeal to dust the pan

Place about 1/3 cup of the warm water in the mixing bowl of your stand type mixer
add the yeast
and stir to dissolve. Add the remaining warm water
the oil (at room temperature)
the four cups of bread flour
and the dough conditioner. Using your stand-type mixer and dough hook
mix for five minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic.

Remove the dough hook
cover with plastic wrap
and let stand until doubled—about one hour. (Since this dough is very sticky
grease the plastic wrap if it will come in contact with the dough.)

Using your dough hook
stir down the risen dough and add the remaining two cups of bread flour and salt. Continue mixing for about four minutes or until the dough again becomes smooth. The dough will still be more moist and stickier than the dough for most breads. Remove the dough hook
and let stand until doubled—about 45 minutes.

Lightly grease a sheet pan and sprinkle it generously with cornmeal.

Using a sharp knife
divide the dough in the bowl into halves and gently scrape each half onto the floured pan to form two rough-hewn loaves. To protect its structure and texture
do not shape or handle the dough. Using the remaining tablespoon of flour and a sifter or strainer
evenly dust the tops of the loaves.

Lightly cover the bread with plastic and set it aside to rise again. When the loaf is nearly doubled in size
when it is still firm enough to hold its shape
and when cracks appear in the dusted flour the bread is ready for baking. The last rising should take about 45 minutes
depending on temperature and altitude.

To create crusty loaves
you will need steam in the oven. Place a large flat metal pan on the bottom rack of the oven to be used to hold water and with which to create steam and condition the crust. (Since high heat may distort the pan
the pan should not be expensive—an old baking sheet is perfect.) Preheat the oven to 500 degrees.

Immediately before placing the bread in the oven
mist the sides of the oven with water using a spray mister and then pour two cups of hot water into the steam pan. Be very careful—steam can burn badly. To avoid rising steam
pour the water in without holding your hand directly over the pan. Wear an oven mitt and turn your face away from the escaping steam both when you pour the water into the hot pan and later when you open the oven.

Immediately place the loaves in the hot oven and quickly close the door to retain the steam. Turn the temperature down to 425 degrees and bake for fifteen minutes opening the oven after five minutes to mist the walls again. After the bread has baked for fifteen minutes
reduce the heat to 375 degrees. Continue baking for another 20 to 30 minutes or until the crust is golden brown and the bread tests done. The interior of the bread should reach 200 degrees. The bread must be hotter than most breads to drive the moisture from the loaf. A moist bread will not hold a crust well. (Since different ovens hold their heat differently
you may need to adjust your baking time.) Cool completely on racks before slicing.

Copyright 2003-2007
The Prepared Pantry ( ). Published by permission
read more “Ciabatta Italian Bread”

When it comes to the holiday season
there are just certain things we can’t live without. Or at least
there are certain things we think we can’t live without. One of those items for me is a family Christmas cookie recipe that has been handed down for at least three generations. It’s called Church Windows.

this nifty little cookie gets its name because it resembles a stained glass “church” window. The chocolate will form the frame and the marshmallows are the colored “glass” inside. Take my word for it
because if you see a plate of these cookies go by
grab one. I’ve never seen anyone sit and study the design
only devour the cookie.

Even though this cookie doesn’t have any decoration on it that resembles Christmas
like a tree or Santa Claus
it is only made near the holidays. Why? I’ll never know
nor will I ever make it during a “non-holiday” time of year! Family tradition says so!

what makes this little cookie so great
you ask. First
it is simple to make. The kids can play a large role in making them
however they need supervision since it involves use of the stove. Second
they are very colorful and brighten up any holiday dessert table. Last
they have chocolate in them! What else needs to be said? Without further ado
here is the recipe for Church Windows.

Church Windows

package semi-sweet chocolate chips (milk chocolate won’t work
I’ve tried)
stick margarine (NOT butter)
ฝ c walnuts

oz bag of colored marshmallows
c coconut
Wax paper

In a large saucepan
melt the margarine and the chocolate chips over medium heat. Stir often and watch closely so the chocolate does not scorch. When the mixture is completely smooth
set aside to cool slightly
for about five to ten minutes.

While you are waiting
prepare the wax paper. Tear off two sheets that are both approximately 18” in length. Lay on a flat surface. Cover each sheet evenly with 1 cup of the coconut.

When the chocolate mixture is slightly cooled
stir in the walnuts and the marshmallows just until coated. Stirring too long will make the marshmallows melt (and that’s bad!)

Pour half of the mixture on the prepared wax paper lengthwise
in order to form a log. Pour the second half on the second sheet of wax paper. Using the extra coconut on the wax paper
cover the top of the chocolate mixture. The coconut will prevent the wax paper from sticking in the future. Take one side and roll over the mix
and keep rolling to form a log. Shape it so it makes a nice circle. Twist the edges so they are secure and to keep coconut from escaping! Immediately place in the fridge or freezer until they harden
at least 6 hours. When hardened
slice off ฝ to 1” thick slices.

Church Windows can be stored in the refrigerator or the freezer one month. Keep in an air-tight container or bag to keep it from drying out.
read more “Christmas Cookie Recipe Chocolatey Church Windows”

First dates are nerve wracking enough without having to worry about what wine to choose to impress your new friend!

One of the great things about wine on a date is that one bottle is a defined amount
normally about five glasses. If shared equally it is unlikely that you will fall off your chair drunk after half a bottle of wine!

there are some other social sins that can be committed whilst choosing wine on a date.

Getting Started

you need to decide whether you want white
ros้ or sparkling wine. This is perhaps the most important decision. As a general rule
red wine is more of an acquired taste and it can be harder to select a good red. Therefore
when you do not know your companion's tastes it may be wise to steer clear of the red wine section.

Sparkling wine can make you appear a little pretentious or if you go for a cheaper version
a tightwad; so this is usually best avoided. If you are not sure whether your companion likes wine at all
ros้ wine is often a safe option as it often lacks the sharpness that people commonly dislike in wines.

How Much to Spend?

Remember more money doesn't always mean more quality. If you are very new to wine
go for a house white. A house white is unlikely to be extremely imaginative or unusual
but is almost always perfectly drinkable. For this reason it is a safe
middle of the road option.

If you want to impress
look for something other than the house white. Keep away from extremes until you know your companion a little better
so don't go for bone dry whites. Instead
opt for a fruity dry wine that appeals to those who like both dry and medium whites.

Whilst neutral wines may seem like a bit of a cop-out
bear in mind that you simply want a drinkable wine that does not offend.

If you are really not sure what to choose
why not offer your companion a choice of glasses as an aperitif while you have a beer or spirit. This way you can judge your companion's taste. Even if they select a spirit
you can still get a measure of whether they prefer sweet or dry wines.

Of course
you could always give your companion the choice…
read more “Choosing Wine on a First Date”

Wines as we know them are generally distinguished as either red or white wine. However
this distinction is much too simplified considering the various types of wine depending on the grapes they were made of and the location of the vineyard where they were grown.

Having invested possibly hundreds of dollars in your latest bottle of vintage wine (ah well
we can but dream)
the next important decision is where to store this prized possession?

The knowledge that wine can come in hundreds
perhaps thousands of flavors
can leave you with a feeling of dread especially when you have to order wine in restaurants. The basic rule is that there is no one perfect wine because it really depends on your own taste buds. An expensive wine that may taste perfect for one can taste horrible to another.

When ordering wine in restaurant
ask for the wine you personally prefer or have gotten familiar to the taste of. If you are the adventurous type or you really don't have an idea which wines are good
then it is always practical to ask the help of the waiter or the restaurant staff taking your order. It is proper to surmise that the staff or waiter should have been given instructions and the basic training in wine selection by the restaurant owner or manager. But what if the waiter is just as ignorant as their customers about their wine list? What if the big decision as to which wine to order is left in your hands? Art of Wine Tasting.

If no one on the staff is knowledgeable about wines or can't make suggestions
ask the waiter to just come back and then ask your companions about their preferences. Ask your dining companions whether they prefer red or white wine. The most common choices would be chardonnay for white wine as this is the king of white wine
or cabernet sauvignon for red wine as this is known as the king of red wine. No other choice could be much safer.

Wines benefit from being kept in dark conditions. Although this is not always practical
wine should certainly be stored in an area that is not exposed it to direct sunlight.

If you are eating white meat life fish or chicken
it would be best to order white wine. If you have chosen red meat like pork or beef roast
then red wine lie Pinot Noir would be an ideal wine to order. Ordering wine by the bottle is sometimes cheaper than ordering wine by glass. There are restaurants that offer discounts to customers who order two or more bottles of wine.

Whether or not you have a limited budget
it is always wise to ask for the price of wine per bottle or per glass
if only to have a stock knowledge of their prices the next time you are tasked with the same decision to order wine for the group. If money isn't a problem for you
then Dom Perignon would be a good choice although this wine is higher priced than the others. There are equally good wine sparklers like Iron Horse or Domaine Chandon which are priced reasonably
depending on where you are eating.

There are wines that are better when they are less than three years old. You can try ordering white wines like Pinot Blanc or French Macon are dry white wines that command good prices and can be eaten well with appetizers. Wines are best drunk when they have been properly chilled.

Many modern wines do not need to be aged over a great period of time; therefore extensive cellars are often unnecessary. Having said this
if you have the time
space and resource to excavate a cellar
your wine will surely benefit. A purpose built cellar is not normally an option for most households and so suitable alternatives must be explored.
read more “Choosing The Right Type Of Wine”

Wine and cheese parties from the seventies are returning. They are easy to set up. You don’t need a reason for the party. They can be brought together at any time
no matter the weather and there is nothing like the pairing of cheese with wine.

Most people can get overwhelmed. To begin with there are a wide range of choices in wines and cheese. Then there is figuring out what wine goes with what cheese.

The first thing to remember when you set about buying your supplies is never by cheap boxed wine. It may be easy to open but the flavors of cheese or any other food cannot be brought out with cheap wine.

Remember strong wines go with strong cheese and mild cheeses go with mild wine. Neither drink nor food must dominate. The flavor of each bite of cheese on your palette is replaced with a sip of the wine.

Wines that are acidic complement pungent cheese such as Chardonnay with Brie or a Savignon Blanc with goat cheese.A soft cheese like Camembert goes well with sweet wines like Vouvray or Chenin Blanc.And hard cheeses like Parmegiano
Romana or Regiano are wonderfully matched to full bodied red wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon
Red Zinfandel and Red Bordeaux.Sweet wines like Vermouth
Port or Sherry may be combined with the a the well known
much loved cheddar cheese. If the cheddar is aged then its sharp taste compliments an equally tangy glass of Shiraz Cabernet.

that the best guide of what cheese and wine combinations to go for
you should rely on your tastes. If it seems to work together then serve them together. Don’t worry about the errors you make
they will only help improve your abilities in the long run.
read more “Choosing The Right Pair Of Wine And Cheese”

To a person that does not commonly purchase meat
the deli counter can be a very intimidating place to be. There are so many selections to choose from when you are trying to find red meat
and many people don't know where to look when it comes to purchasing good cuts of meat. In this article
we'll discuss some of the common features of steaks to look for when purchasing beef so that you can know how to choose the right cuts for you and your family.

First off
you need to understand the USDA's grading system when it comes to steak. There are three grades of beef sold under the USDA guidelines - Prime
and Select. Prime is the most expensive cut of beef
and it is usually from younger cows and features extensive marbling. Marbling is an aspect of beef that is important to understand. When small levels of fat permeate through the meat
causing it to have a ‘marbled' appearance like the stone of the same name
the beef is often very tender and consequently highly desired. It can be tough to find Prime USDA beef outside of restaurants
with only specialty butchers usually carrying the meat. The next step down in the quality of beef is Choice. Choice beef is the most commonly found grade in the marketplace
and while it has less marbling than Prime beef
it still tends to be desirable. Select is the lowest grade of beef
featuring limited marbling throughout the beef
usually resulting in tough meat that isn't very juicy.

Another important aspect to consider when buying beef is the cut. One of the most commonly purchased high-end steak cuts is known as filet mignon. Also commonly referred to as beef tenderloin
these cuts are amongst the tenderest cuts of beef available. They are often round in appearance
and you can expect to pay a pretty penny when purchasing filet mignon. New York Strip Steaks are also often desirable
featuring a long marbled cut of meat with a strip of fat along the side. T-Bones and Porterhouses represent the bigger cuts of steak
with 20 ounces being a common size for the Porterhouse. They feature a bone along the center with plenty of marbled
tender meat throughout.

When choosing an individual steak
there are some things to look out for. Purchase beef that is bright red in color
signifying a level of freshness not found in most steaks. The package that the steak comes in should be cold
and there shouldn't be much juice floating around the package - that denotes that the meat may have been on the shelf for too long of a time. The meat should be firm to the touch
with soft meat possibly being on the shelf too long as well.

Now that you know what to look for when shopping for a steak
you can more accurately pick the cut of meat and the choice steaks to keep you and your dinner guests pleased.
read more “Choosing The Right Meat”

When selecting items for a seafood feast
wild caught American shrimp are popular among gourmet cooks. Shrimp are not only recognized for outstanding flavor but they can be an important part of a healthy diet.

Wild American shrimp are delicious steamed
fried and in recipes such as scampi. They are also popular as an appetizers such as shrimp cocktail
bisques and salads. They also freeze well and can be purchased in large numbers
processed and excess amounts frozen for later meals.

Shrimp tend to be low in fat and calories and have no carbohydrates or trans fatty acids. They contain vitamins B3
vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids and are sources of tryptophan
protein and minerals including iron
zinc and copper.

American species include white (Litopenaeus setiferus)
brown (Farfantepenaeus aztecus)
pink (Penaeus duorarum) and royal red (Pleoticus robustus or Hymenopenaeus robustus) rock (Sicyonia brevirostris) and Northern (Pandalus borealis).

Shrimp are sized by "count". The number is the average number of specimens per pound. This applies to both whole and heads-off products. For example
headless shrimp of 16/20 count means there are 16 to 20 headless product per pound. Counts for headless product typically range from 16/20 (large) to 60/70 (small). Pacific pink shrimp are even smaller
having counts of about 100 to 140 whole shrimp per pound.

Wild American shrimp are also a good choice in terms of sustainability. Many of the American fisheries have been recognized for ethical harvesting techniques.

The Wild American Shrimp Certification Program certifies that warm-water
wild caught shrimp from U.S. coastal waters meet a high standard of quality and consistency. Certified Wild American Shrimp receive special labeling. Participation in the certification program is available to harvesters
grocers and restaurateurs.

Another American fishery has received international recognition. Oregon's pink shrimp fishery has earned the world's first sustainable shrimp certification under the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification program.

The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
which runs the world’s leading independent certification program for sustainable fisheries
and independent certifier TAVEL Certification Inc.
awarded Oregon pink shrimp its certification on December 6
The action distinguishes Oregon’s pink shrimp trawl fishery as a sustainable and well-managed fishery. The Marine Stewardship Council certification also allows Oregon pink shrimp to be sold using the coveted blue MSC eco-label indicating a sustainable fishery.

The Marine Stewardship Council is an organization that works to improve the health of the world’s oceans and to help create a sustainable global seafood market. MSC pursues its mission by certifying fisheries that meet its sustainable standards and developing market demand for certified seafood. The MSC model is based on consumers rewarding sustainable fisheries by choosing seafood that originates from certified sustainable fisheries.

Pink shrimp
also known as bay or salad shrimp are small (100-140 whole per lb). They are harvested using advanced trawl methods. Pink MSC certified shrimp are delivered to shore for cooking
peeling and freezing
resulting in an extremely fresh product of excellent quality.

The variety of high quality
healthy and sustainable American shrimp makes them an excellent choice for seafood lovers.
read more “Choosing And Buying Gourmet Seafood - Wild American Shrimp”

A home’s d้cor ultimately reflects the style of its occupants. Those who engage in hobbies and collecting that is near and dear to their heart will frequently display corresponding pieces in an attractive display in their home. In addition to infusing the home with the occupant’s unique personality
such a display creates an instant conversation piece that will engage visitors and give them a feel for the home’s overall style. For wine connoisseurs
the display of a variety of wines that they particularly enjoy can be both functional and decorative. To this end
a beautiful wine rack design can do the most to display your wine with visual impact.

When choosing a wine rack design
begin initially by determining the specific material that would most complement your home. Wine racks are made from everything from solid wood and metal to wrought iron and come in a variety of styles – from contemporary to antique. A wine rack design should fit with your home’s overall style
allowing it to merge seamlessly with the other elements in your home.

Functionality should also be a consideration when choosing a wine rack design. If you are content to have a wine rack that simply stores and displays a couple of good wine bottles then you should look for simple designs; these should also be relatively inexpensive. However
if you would also like to display stemware
or additional items
then seek out a more comprehensive wine rack design. While these will undoubedtly be higher priced
it could be well worth the expense if the wine rack design will offer you a greater level of efficiency.

Your space restrictions should also be considered when it comes to a wine rack design. While some standing wine racks can fit within a corner of your home or against a wall
there are others that hang from the ceiling
maximizing space for those with a smaller living environment.

Visit home furniture stores and large retail stores that offer a display of home goods. You will easily find a beautiful wine rack design that works for your particular purposes. The Internet also offers a comprehensive listing of websites that sell wine racks online. You can shop from the comfort of your own home and have the wine rack design shipped right to your door.

A stunning wine rack design is a relatively inexpensive way to complete the look of your home and create a sophisticated display that reflects your personality.
read more “Choosing A Wine Rack Design For You”

Wine gift baskets are a wonderful gift for all kinds of people – wine lovers will appreciate them as you have shown consideration of their hobbies
and if you are selecting a gift for someone you do not know well
then it is a safe bet that a wine gift basket will be considered a generous and luxurious gift.

Making a Wine Gift Basket

Wine gift baskets are quite simple to make
but if you give someone a home made one then they will appreciate the time and thought you have put into it. Just select the things you want to put in to the basket
arrange it all in an attractive fashion
and wrap it and tie it nicely with ribbon.

You may need to secure the items before you wrap the basket to make sure they stay in an aesthetically pleasing arrangement.

Buying a Wine Gift Basket

If making a gift basket yourself is too daunting a prospect
then you could purchase a ready made one. There are lots of companies that sell them – some will even let you pick the gifts and make you a basket to – order.

One is Wine County Gift Baskets
which is a company that offers the absolute best selection of value priced
handcrafted gift baskets and gift towers
and this includes corporate gift baskets
gourmet gift food baskets
spa gift baskets
coffee gift baskets and tea gift baskets
just to name a few of the many offered selections.

Wine country gift basket will make personalized wine gift baskets for you
allowing you to pick out items from their catalogue to make the ideal gift basket. They will also hand deliver the basket to the recipient if you wish.

Another great option here is Express Gift Baskets
a company that was established a decade ago
in 1997
and which since then has been shipping thousands of baskets across the world. They specialize in the corporate market and carry a full line of promotional items.

Express Gift Baskets will also make custom baskets for you
and will allow you to add your logo or design to the items if you wish
making them ideal for businesses who wish to send gifts to regular customers or to their employees.
read more “Choosing A Wine Gift Basket”

If you're thinking about starting a garden
the first thing you need to consider is what type of garden you will have. There are many different choices and often it can be hard to pick just one
but hopefully you can narrow it down. But by narrowing it down
you'll make the gardening experience easier on yourself and the plants. If all your plants are similar
then it shouldn't be very hard to care for them all. So here are some of the main garden ideas for you to choose from.

If you're just looking for something to look nice in your yard
you'll want a flower garden. These are usually filled with perennial flower. Perennial flowers are flowers which stay healthy year-round. They're basically weeds because of their hardiness
only nice looking. Different areas and climates have different flowers which are considered perennials. If you do a quick internet search for your area
you can probably find a list of flowers that will bring your flower garden to life. These usually only require work in the planting stage - after that
the flower take care of themselves. The only downside to this is that you don't have any product to show for it.

Another choice for your garden is to have a vegetable garden. These usually require a little more work and research than a flower garden
but can be much more rewarding. No matter what time of the year it is
you can usually find one vegetable that is still prospering. That way you can have your garden be giving you produce almost every day of the year! When starting a vegetable garden
you should build it with the thought in mind that you will be adding more types of veggies in later. This will help your expandability. Once all your current crops are out of season
you won't be stuck with almost nowhere to put the new crops. A vegetable garden is ideal for someone who wants some produce
but doesn't want to devote every waking hour to perfecting their garden (see below.)

One of the more difficult types of gardens to manage is a fruit garden. It's definitely the most high-maintenance. When growing fruits
many more pests will be attracted due to the sweetness. You not only have to deal with having just the right dirt and fertilizer
you have to deal with choosing a pesticide that won't kill whoever eats the fruits. Your fruit garden will probably not produce year-round. The soil needs to be just right for the plants to grow
and putting in another crop during its off-season could be disastrous to its growth process. If you're willing to put lots of work into maintaining a garden
then a fruit garden could be a good choice for you.

So now that I've outlined some of the main garden types that people choose
I hope you can make a good decision. Basically
the garden type comes down to what kind of product you want
and how much work you want to put into it. If you're looking for no product with no work
go with a flower garden. If you want lots of delicious product
but you are willing to spend hours in your garden each day
then go for a fruit garden. Just make sure you don't get into something you can't handle!
read more “Choosing A Garden That Is Perfect For You”

Outdoor barbecues are popular all around the world. They are enjoyed for the camaraderie as well as delicious eating. Barbecues can be informal family get togethers or tough culinary competitions.

There is one thing they all have in common though
and that is the need for an outdoor barbecue grill.

The outdoor barbecue grill has a cooking surface that is composed of metal bars. The bars are mounted above the fuel source which puts out intense heat with temperatures in the 500 degree Fahrenheit range. This intense heat is the distinctive feature of grilling.

Just as there are many types of outdoor barbecues
there are also many types of barbecue grills. The two most commonly used are the gas grill and the charcoal grill. They come in various shapes and sizes with a variety of features.

These types of grills are easy to obtain and can be purchased at most shopping centers. Let’s take a look at these two types of outdoor barbecue grills.

Gas Barbecue Grills

Just like the name suggests
the gas barbecue grill uses gas for a power source. This type of grill is typically more expensive than the charcoal grill. Fuel for it is fairly inexpensive and readily available. It is easy to set up and even easier to get it ready for cooking. Just light it and place your meat on.

They don’t make much smoke at all but the flames will flare up
therefore care must be taken when choosing a safe location for your grill. The temperature can be easily controlled which is a nice feature and makes cooking easier.

Charcoal Barbecue Grills

Charcoal barbecue grills are the cheapest grills you can buy. You can get a small table top model or a larger one which stands on its own base. They are easy to put together but sometimes are not very stable. The drawback to charcoal grills is that you have to allow heat up time for your charcoal to become ready to cook over.

Sometimes getting the charcoal to catch fire isn’t easy either and requires the use of lighter fluid or starter
which ads an element of fire danger. Charcoal barbecue grills are probably not for you if you need to prepare meals in a hurry or need a consistent cooking temperature.

Charcoal grills create smoke and have flames which flare up and should be placed in a safe location and never used indoors. This type of outdoor grill can be messy to clean up after cooking also.

charcoal grills are extremely popular and are easy to transport which makes them the logical choice for camping trips and the occasional outdoor barbecue.
read more “Choose An Outdoor Barbecue Grill”

Wild Salmon

There are six species of Pacific salmon - chum
king (chinook)
sockeye and steelhead - and all are wild. Wild West coast salmon are harvested commercially in Washington
Alaska and much of Canada. Smoked wild salmon is a delicious seafood item. The delicacy is simple to prepare and lends itself to a wide variety of dishes.

Salmon is high in Omega-3 fatty acids which is well known as having health benefits. Studies have shown that smoked salmon has a very low level of mercury
unlike some other seafood.The Journal of American Medicine Association recently published a report stating that adding salmon at least once a week to your diet will cut the risk of sudden cardiac death in half.


Tuna is consumed in a variety of ways. Tuna is the most well known and available fish in the USA and many other parts of the world due to it's popularity as a canned product. Most of us grew up on tuna salad sandwiches and associate that experience with tuna as a meal.

Readers that have been lucky enough to enjoy fresh caught tuna know that there is quite a difference between a canned tuna salad sandwich and a fresh grilled tuna steak! Tuna is delicious grilled
or as sushi. Those of us that still love tuna salad can enjoy tuna from the can or use leftover grilled tuna to create a unique and delightful tuna salad with a unique flavor. Smoked fish lovers will be thrilled to know that tuna is excellent when smoked. The finished smoked product makes fish dips
salads or just eaten alone.


Wahoo are beautiful pelagic fish and are excellent table fare. Wahoo live in the open ocean and are common along much of the USA and Caribbean. Wahoo should be rinsed well and then the fillets can be removed from the body. The flanks can then be cut into steaks with the skin on or the entire sections can be skinned before cutting into steaks.Wahoo is delicious grilled
fried or smoked. Fresh wahoo are available in Florida
North Carolina
Hawaii and other areas.

Mahi Mahi

Mahi Mahi
also known as dorado or dolphin fish are fast growing
pelagic fish. Mahi Mahi are among the most beautiful of all fish. The meat is mostly white with a high content of oil. Mahi Mahi is best grilled or smoked. Fresh Mahi Mahi is available in states such as Florida
North Carolina
Hawaii and others. Other areas of the country can enjoy this fish as a frozen product or fresh via overnight shipment.

Striped Bass

Cooks have a variety of favorites for cooking rockfish. Whole fillets of school sized fish or steaks of larger fish are delicious fried. Other choices for cooking striped bass include grilling
fish cakes and more.

For top quality striped bass or "rockfish" as table fare
it's important to take care of the fish prior to cooking. The fish should be chilled on ice and laid out flat until cleaned. Once the fish is home
it can be rinsed thoroughly and filleted. Several cleaning methods exist and each angler learns their favorite style. The fish can be scaled and the skin left on
filleted and then skinned or the skin can be cut around the perimeter of the fish and pulled off with pliers. The skin-on version is nice when baking or grilling smaller fish. Skinning the fish before filleting has some advantages
the most important being speed. Filleting the fish and then cutting the skin off removes the most dark meat and leaves the highest quality portion
although some fish is lost in the process.

Black Sea Bass

Black Sea Bass are excellent table fare. The meat is firm
white and delicious. Sea Bass are superb fried
baked or broiled. Sea Bass are easily skinned and filleted. Black sea bass are common along the Atlantic coast from New York to North Carolina. They are best fresh. The fish do not freeze well.


Grouper is among the most popular fish in the Southern USA. Grouper is a premium fish harvested from the Gulf of Mexico and southern Atlantic Ocean. While individual species have unique identifiable characteristics
they are commonly described as lean
white flesh fish with a taste and texture which is popular and distinct from many other white fish.


Tilapia have gone from being an obscure fish to one of the most popular fish in many cultures. Tilapia are the second most important group of farm raised fish in the world. Tilapia has been introduced in over 100 countries. Tilapia farming and consumption are rapidly increasing in the US. Tilapia are a good source of protein and is now the fifth most popular seafood consumed in the United States.
read more “Choices For Buying Cooking And Enjoying Fish”

It would be so nice to be able to begin this article with the words
“Who doesn’t love chocolate?” Unfortunately
there are some poor souls out there who are either allergic to this yummy delight or who
for some unknown reason
think that they do not like the taste of it. Oh
that just leaves more for the rest of us.

Chocolate in any form really is an appropriate gift for any occasion. You can give it to someone for nearly any holiday and in the case of some holidays like St. Valentine’s Day
Mother’s Day and Easter; they would almost seem empty without some chocolate.

The other fact about giving a gift basket of chocolate goodies is that even though expensive foreign chocolate may be far superior in quality to the selection that is readily available at your local store
it is still a gift that is just as appreciated no matter where the chocolate comes from. So
while the chocolate that is defined as “imported” or “handmade” sounds nice and probably is very nice
don’t let that stop you from creating your own gift basket of local chocolate treats.

If you have your heart set on it and you really want to give chocolates that are imported and unusual
there are many companies that specialize in putting together gift baskets and they can create a chocolate assortment using chocolates from anywhere around the world. It just so happens that chocolate gift baskets are one of the most popular styles of gift baskets because they get such a welcome reception whenever they are given.

The great benefit about giving a gift basket of chocolates as a gift is in its versatility. Whether you are giving a chocolate gift basket to your mother
your sweetie
or to your business associates
chocolate is always an appropriate and appreciated gift. It always seems to express just the right sentiment.

A good chocolate gift basket is one that includes a large variety of chocolate products. Not only a diversity of chocolate candies
but chocolate cookies
chocolate covered peanuts or pretzels and even hot cocoa or chocolate flavored coffee. Now
that’s a chocolate gift basket!

You can choose to put these baskets together yourself or you can order one from a local gift basket company or a company online. The average price of a chocolate gift basket that you can have delivered runs from about $50 to $200
depending on its size and the variety of items in the basket. Of course
you can always make the gift yourself and you may be able to purchase a lovely basket and different chocolate items for less that having one specially made and delivered
but you probably won’t be able to include all of the variety that a gift basket company can.

Once you decide on whether you will use a company that specializes in gift baskets and put in an order or if you decide to make one yourself
a chocolate gift basket can be given for absolutely any occasion. For instance
a basket of mugs
hot cocoa mix
cookies and chocolate treats would be perfect as a gift for a family on Christmas Eve. Place all of the items in a Christmas themed decorative basket or dish or even a Santa’s sleigh and add a bow. What a lovely way to say
“Merry Christmas.”

How about the Superbowl? If you are invited to a Superbowl party
don’t come empty-handed. Throw some homemade or store bought chocolate snacks in a football shaped bowl or a football helmet and watch everyone move you out of the way in order to gather around it.

and Easter naturally go together. Put them together and create a beautiful centerpiece for the holiday table or make one for your office to share as the holiday approaches. There are so many chocolate choices available at this time of year that it will be hard knowing when to stop.

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are two more occasions when a delectable chocolate gift basket would be appreciated. In order to add some originality
place the chocolate selection in a beautiful crystal bowl or vase for Mom and in a cigar humidor or a toolbox or tacklebox for Dad.

Even Independence Day can be an excellent occasion for giving chocolates. Add little American flags to the candies and present the whole gift in a star shaped container. You can even add streamers or string-pulled confetti poppers to the container in order to help celebrate the fireworks later in the evening. Or
if you know someone who will be camping out this summer
a great gift basket is to make a “S’more themed basket”. Fill a bucket with chocolate bars
graham crackers and marshmallows and let the fun ensue.

Halloween is an easy holiday to celebrate with a chocolate gift basket. There are different varieties of available candy everywhere and you can readily find a basket or a container in the shape of a jack-o-lantern or witch’s cauldron. This is another wonderful creation to make and then set out at work for your co-workers and visiting clients to partake in.

Besides holidays
there are birthdays
housewarming parties
baby and wedding showers
and “just because I love you” occasions. Add some chocolate covered popcorn with a favorite movie and create a great any occasion gift. Another way to use chocolate in a gift basket is to fill it with chocolate treats all from one area of the country or the world. This is a welcome gift for someone who is from that area to remind them of home.

In addition
a chocolate gift basket is great as a way to help cheer a friend who is down. A small chocolate gift basket is also a perfect gift for all of your children’s teachers and it makes a lovely thank you gift for anyone else
as well.

Next time you are facing an occasion and you need to bring a gift
don’t forget the sweetest gift of all
a gift of chocolate. It may be one of the simplest gift baskets to put together
but it is one of the most appreciated. Just tell everyone that they can begin their diets next week.
read more “Chocolate s Versatility”

Neither I nor anybody else really has to sell you on the beauty of the chocolate of the month club. I mean
chocolate is one of the top five most popular foods on the planet Get a membership for yourself
your neighbor
your associate for every member of your family
and you would not only not be making a bother of yourself but may just be inspiring your social status (to say nothing of the endorphins you will be helping to kick in and elevate).

The size deal of the chocolate of the month club can’t be a bunk deal
provided you stick with the Famous or tried-and-true chocolates. Consider
for example
Grand Cru
Patrick Colton and the Art of Chocolate
Green Mountain
The Flying Noodle
Fritz Knipschildt
and even the more mainstream Cadbury
Russell Stover
and Lint.

Consider the chocolate of the month club that does not lock you in to a year’s worth of chocolate (unless you want it) if you want to do a test run with
a half a year or three months
to start. And try for a club that will send not just the same one-pound box each month but will mix it up with chocolate greeting cards
chocolate roses
chocolate DVDs
etc. And keep in mind that the chocolate of the month club membership you buy for others should be purchased from a chocolate maker who offers real and good chocolate. Find about fat and oil content
for example
or the amounts of extra
unnecessary sugar added
so that you are investing in more chocolate and less crap. I am in no position to critique at any official level
but one of the well-known chocolates (not Sees) you might find in malls offers chocolates I find very waxy and way too fatty. If I were to do a chocolate of the month club
I would
steer clear of a company just because it has presence or big money in advertising and name-branding. Yes
the company should be known
but maybe when you check out which chocolate of the month club to give to
you will go on the reports and reviews of closest friends and loved ones. If they have gushed over a brand they receive from a granddaughter back east or if they always give gift certificates to the local chocolates at Christmas
then find out of they have a chocolate of the month club
ask questions (about mailing procedures and schedules
payment plans
and go with what has worked for you or others in the past.

I guess its common sense that if you don’t like a particular chocolate maker
you would not support him/her/it with a chocolate of the month club membership
and surely wouldn’t offend your friends and other loved ones…or their palettes.
read more “Chocolate Of The Month Club - The Amazing Monthly Chocolate Treat To Indulge That Chocolate Passion.”

If the return of the martini and it's recent rediscovered popularity has you feeling left out while you're making a cocktail
then it's time you tried a chocolate martini. Let's face it
if it wasn't for the vermouth
a martini is really just straight vodka. For someone who doesn't like straight vodka a martini can taste kind of harsh. The solution is try one of the many specialty martinis that are packing them in at martini bars. And one of the tastiest martinis around is the chocolate martini. There are a few different ways to make chocolate martinis and all of them are delicious.

Chocolate Martinis are made with vodka. Gin and chocolate sounds like a terrible idea to me so thankfully I haven't seen a recipe like that. Most recipes call for vodka which is mixed with something chocolaty like Godiva Liqueur or Creme De Cacao. This first recipe contains both.

Chocolate Martini Recipe
shots Godiva Chocolate Liqueur
shots Creme De Cacao
shot Vodka
shots Half And Half
Add all to a cocktail mixer and shake well
Pour into a chilled martini glass dusted with chocolate powder

The official chocolate martini recipe endorsed by Godiva is as follows:
Godiva Chocolate Martini
oz. Godiva Chocolate Cream Liqueur
oz. Ciroc Vodka
Shake until blended and pour into a chilled Martini glass.

A Hershey's Kiss is a great garnish for a chocolate martini. I've even seen some bartenders who drizzle chocolate syrup around the rim of the glass.

And if your looking for an easy way to make a chocolate martini why not try one of those pre-made cocktail mixes. You should be able to find a few different mixes at your local liquor store. All you have to do is add vodka and you're all set. It doesn't get much easier than that.

No matter what recipe you choose you really can't go wrong. If you think about it
you're mixing vodka and chocolate. It would be difficult to make those ingredients taste bad.
read more “Chocolate Martini”

Nowadays there are so many different types of chocolate on the market
that we are literally ‘spoilt for choice’.

With so much publicity on what we should and should not eat
many people are turning to plain chocolate. Not only does plain chocolate have less sugar than other types
but it also contains a high proportion of cocoa solids. These are formed of pure chocolate and cocoa butter - a hard
white fat. The percentage of coca solids is always listed on the wrapper of the chocolate. Some percentages are as high as 75% or even higher
indicating the chocolate is exceptionally smooth and of high quality.

The most popular chocolate of all is milk chocolate. Most children adore it. Sweeter than plain chocolate it has extra sugar
full cream milk
and vanilla added to it.

Then there is white chocolate
which contains only cocoa butter
sugar and vanilla. Because of the added milk
both this type of chocolate
and also milk chocolate
need to be melted with care over a gentle heat. Otherwise they will thicken
and although edible
will not re-melt.

Chocolate drops (or nibs
as they are sometimes called) are easy to melt. The can be used as a decoration on cakes or as an ingredient in the popular chocolate brownie cakes.

Some firms sell chocolate for use in a current favorite ‘chocolate fountains’. These make an eye-catching image for a special occasion
with the melted chocolate continually flowing like a colored waterfall – just ready for guests to dip marshmallows
strawberry’s and other small fruits
into the ‘fountain’. It is a good idea to have plenty napkins around to catch the drips!

Those who are diabetic often complain about how restricted their diet is
but at least they can have a piece of chocolate. Diabetic chocolate is on sale in various outlets
and has a lower percentage of sugar than other chocolate.

Apart from chocolates and bars of chocolate
we can also buy chocolate flakes
these contain both cocoa butter and vegetable oil. The butter adds flavor
and the oil helps to give the flake its crumbly consistency

Some specialist shops sell blocks of cocoa butter. This can be melted
mixed with cocoa powder and used to paint sepia colored pictures onto cakes or plaques.

Vermicelli is yet way another type of chocolate. These tiny strands are used for coating truffles and cakes. Occasionally the name can becomes confused with Italian vermicelli - fine strands of pasta!

A current fashion is to decorate a wedding cake with curls of chocolate like tall rods standing around the sides of the cake. They can be home made but it is a time-consuming job and not easy to make them all a similar size. So it is a good idea to buy from a specialist shop
when they will all be an equal length and thickness

Another type of coating which is bought by confectioners is known as Ganache. This mixture of cream and chocolate is very versatile. Melted and flooded over cakes
it is delicious to eat
and sets with a gloss. The higher the quality of the chocolate used
the greater the sheen on the coating.
it can be left to firm and piped

Modelling chocolate another commodity which can either be bought or home-made. This consists of liquid glucose and chocolate. The glucose makes the paste pliable and easy to model - chocolate roses are particularly popular.

And finally
we come to a type of ‘so called chocolate’ which can cause confusion. Packaged under various headings it is often called Chocolate flavor cake covering
or chocolate flavoured coating. They all have one thing in common - although they contain cocoa powder
the cocoa butter has been extracted and replaced with vegetable fat
which is why the manufacturers cannot call it chocolate.

The addition of vegetable fat makes the ‘chocolate’ easier to melt and work with. But it has a drawback – because of the lack of cocoa butter it does not have the same eating quality as pure chocolate.

ฉ Pat Lock 2007
read more “Chocolate Heaven Discover The Hidden Treasures Of Chocolate”

Chocolate fondue that was a rage in the 1970's is on a role again. Back then there was probably not even a single party that didn't have them - actually it was unthinkable to have a party without them. Chocolate is something that appeals to both young and old the world over
and chocolate fondue are a favorite among all.

With time everything changes and chocolate fondue is no exception? At today's parties
chocolate fondue is served and presented differently and there are various ways in which it is done. White chocolate is getting more attention
and the white chocolate fondue is becoming more popular at get togethers and parties.

The Popularity Of White Chocolate Fondue

Having a party and wish to impress all who attend? Need something that is simple to prepare with a sophisticated flare? Then what you need is white chocolate fondue. You will need… twenty four ounces of white chocolate
cup of heavy whipping cream and two ounces of cherry liqueur. Melt it all in a double boiler or fondue pot
add fruit such as fresh strawberries or pineapple for dipping. My family loves to dip marshmallows.

You can also spice up your chocolate for variety with a fruit or a mint flavor. These are wonderful for dipping shortbread cookies
and a number of other finger foods along with your favorite fruit. Try bananas
apples and orange sections too. Use your imagination
anything goes.

How To Display Chocolate Fondue At A Party

Many people serve the chocolate in fondue pots. But another idea that is really catching on is a fondue fountain - this is always impressive. The chocolate fountain will become the focal point of the event as your guests gather around to dip.

The chocolate fondue fountain doesn't have to be limited to special parties
treat your family on a rainy night. Relax
play a board game and enjoy your time together.
read more “Chocolate Fondue Is A Party Favorite”

If you have heard of chocolate covered espresso beans
you may have decided to try them for your espresso coffee maker or you may have decided to give them a try or get them as a gift for that certain someone who has everything. You may have considered just going to a gourmet shop
but if you want to get a deal
the best thing is to buy them wholesale on the Internet. How do you go about buying them wholesale safely? You don't want to risk giving your credit card numbers to a site that is not legitimate
and possibly risk identity theft by doing so. We all know stories about people who put their credit card number on a site that was not protected
and the next thing they knew
they had tons of bills and maybe even their bank account was debited. If you not careful about shopping on line
it can happen.

But it does not have to be dangerous to shop for chocolate covered espresso beans (or any other product
for that matter) on line. Make sure you know how to take the right precautions.

The first thing you have to do is make sure you are going to get the product you want. If a site doesn't have illustrations
you may end up ordering a product you did not want. You also have to be sure to read any warnings or any of the fine print that may allow substitutions
etc. And you always have to be careful of offers that seem way too cheap. You know what the value should be
and if it too cheap
something has to be wrong with the product
or maybe you are not going to be getting the right product.

be a savvy Internet shopper. Make sure you do not give out any information that is not directly related to the purchase. Be very wary of any site that asks for your social security number
your driver's license or any bank account information. All they should need is the delivery address and the card you are charging to.

Once you have made a purchase on line
make sure you have a record of it. This way if the product you think you ordered is not what you received
you have some proof. Make sure you have the name of the vendor
the name of the website
a copy of the confirmed order with quantity
delivery address and estimated delivery date. If there are any problems down the line
you want to have all of this information at your fingertips.

even after this advice
you are leery of shopping Olin
you can go to the site of the wholesaler and just get the 800 number listed there. This way
you can have a catalog sent to you
and you can order the old fashioned way by sending in an order form or calling in an order.
read more “Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans”

Most people have some form of sweet tooth
and many also like the taste and smell of a fresh cup of coffee. Though the tastes of sweets and that of coffee are very different
they make a great match
since sugar helps to offset the slightly acidic bitterness of coffee. One of the best examples of this is the great taste of chocolate covered coffee beans. If you’re a coffee lover
a chocolate lover
or both
chocolate covered coffee beans make a great snack.

A Marriage of Flavors

Chocolate and coffee work well together
so much that some chocolates in Europe will have recommended servings that include serving with coffee
particularly dark chocolates. However
any kind of chocolate can make great chocolate covered coffee beans
even white chocolate. This sweet
crunchy snack gives you the mellow flavor of one of the favorite candies in the world with the tang and aroma of coffee. And even better
this is a snack with kick
since you’ll get a little caffeine rush from eating chocolate covered coffee beans.

Making Your Own

Some people are serious enough about their coffee to buy their own beans and grind them. If you’re serious about your coffee
then you can be just as serious about your chocolate covered coffee beans. By purchasing your own beans and chocolate
you’re guaranteed a quality product.

Making this great snack food is a snap; all you need is a pot to carefully melt the chocolate in
and some sort of device
whether a fork or a strainer
to remove the beans. Once the chocolate is melted
simply place the beans in the pot to coat
and then remove with the fork. Set on wax paper to harden overnight
and you’ll have a great snack that you made from scratch.

Buying Beans

The selection of coffee beans can be important in the making of chocolate covered coffee beans. You want to buy a medium or dark roast
since a light roast will simply be too acidic for chocolate covered coffee beans. This is one reason why chocolate covered espresso beans are a popular sell
since it’s a very dark roast.

You can bring out interesting flavor combinations with your chocolate covered coffee beans by purchasing flavored beans. Usually considered inferior by aficionados for creating a brew
they can add an extra kick to chocolate covered coffee beans. Give making this sweet
snack a try and you’re sure to get hooked!
read more “Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans A Fun Snack”

Chocolate candy is an ideal present or gift to buy someone you love and care about on their birthday. Its a absolute fact that chocolate candy will make a fantastic gift for Mothers day
Valentine's day
and Christmas. So if you are looking for a great gift for a special day
then you need look no further than a box of chocolate candy. It seems that the attractive box is almost as important as the candy contained inside. Isn't that an amazing and surprising fact?

Packaging will enhance your chocolate candy:

Many individuals who eat chocolate usually like many different sorts
from the cheapest to the more expensive gourmet ones. This is great when it comes to buying a chocolate gift for them
because as long as the wrapping looks good you can go for a less expensive type. You will not have to spend all your money on the gourmet ones
that is unless you want to. Its amazing to find that an Hershey's Kiss will take some beating for both taste and price.

Chocolate candy is actually quite inexpensive
therefore you could be a little extravagant and a tad crazy about how you present the candy. A fun idea would be to have some sort of theme like buying some chocolate balls and wrapping them to look like basketballs and baseballs is a fantastic way to please the sporting person in your life. Making a plastic baseball helmet
or football helmet and filling them with these sports themed chocolate candy is a super idea for a gift.

If you love dogs or if you have a friend or family member who is a dog lover then a really great idea would be to buy doggy shaped chocolate candy
wrap them and fill a dogs feeding bowl with them. Another equally crazy gift idea would be to also do this with your friendly cat lover too. You could get either fish or mouse shaped chocolate and fill up a fish or feeding bowl with them. Give your imagination freedom to be creative
it will pay off.

Chocolate fruit:

Another creative and possibly crazy idea that would definitely fit into a theme
would be to find some fruit covered chocolates
like chocolate covered fruit peels and marzipan fruit and create a fruit chocolate fruit salad. Chocolates that are orange flavored are sometimes sold in slices
like real oranges
so making sure your fruit salad looks like it was made of real fruit
and not chocolate candy is where your imagination and creativity can come into its own.

Use your imagination when choosing your chocolate candy gift:

Laughing at funny and creative gift baskets is part of the pleasure your friend or loved one gets when receiving a gift of chocolate candy. You could take chocolates left over from Christmas and re-use them for another occasion. For instance
chocolate lips and hearts normally reserved for Valentine's Day would work in a romance themed basket at any time of the year.

All that needs to be remembered when choosing that chocolate candy gift for your loved one or friend is to enjoy the experience and have fun.
read more “Chocolate Candy Is Just A Truly Amazing Gift.”

It is popular convention that when referring to chocolate candy, all one normally needs say is chocolate for an immediate connection to be made. Chocolate remains the most popular candy in America, surpassing greatly all other types of candy being sold. Many people describe the experience of a great passion for their chocolate. Often referred to as
they attribute obvious addictive properties in the substance found in candy bars and desserts consumed daily.

Chocolate comes in so many forms today that it would be difficult to list them all. The form most often utilized by candy makers is the candy bar. Names like Hershey's, Mars, and Nestle are synonymous with chocolate candy. Companies like these have been cranking out their cocoa confections for nearly a century, earning them billions of dollars. The formula for this success is simple: create the best tasting chocolate candy possible and sell it for a competitive profit. Creating the optimum product quality and thereby achieve customer satisfaction is the heritage on which many of these companies were founded.

Just as the big candy makers have found success in this, making chocolate candy on a small scale is immensely popular. Making and selling chocolate candies is how many small locally owned and operated candy stores make a living. These small candy makers often find a niche in the creation of gourmet chocolate candy that incorporates elaborate decoration and supreme quality of ingredients.

Making chocolate candy is a wholly different matter if candy making isn't a primary occupation. While some of principles are the same, the scale will be on a completely different level than either of the previously mentioned sources of chocolate candy despite the fact that the methods used to create many of the candies are identical. It typically becomes a matter of hobby rather than sales in these instances. Yet with a marketing tool like the Internet at hand it is a simple matter to take what is currently a hobby and build it into an online candy business.

Thus it is no surprise that there are already several online chocolate candy businesses operating on the Internet. In a day and age where many people are buying even their groceries online it isn't much of a stretch to browse the candy store from a computer screen.
read more “Chocolate Candies”

The term chocolate bar is a popular way of describing a confectionery treat in the form of a bar. This is usually packaged in a bar shape with individual perforations or in a long
shaped log covered with chocolate. Many types of chocolate bar exist and there are thousands of companies that create chocolate bars. Some of these companies produce many choices of fillings in their chocolate bar
such as nuts
marzipan and many more.

The chocolate bar evolved in approximately the late 1900s. Chocolate had become popular many years before the introduction of the bar but the idea of creating a chocolate bar was to provide a more convenient way of consuming the chocolate. The bars could be packaged and sold to eat easily by hand or while on the go. Up to the invention of the chocolate bar
chocolate had been sold by bulk with loose
irregular or formed pieces.

During the Great Depression
the cost of a chocolate bar was five cents. The price rose to ten cents after World War II and remained that price for many years. More advanced packaging and advertising contributed to the increase in cost to the consumer of many types of chocolate bars. Many chocolate companies still make the same bars they started out with
also adding many more varieties. Some popular chocolate bars that are still popular today are Clark Bar 1917
Baby Ruth 1920
The Charleston Chew 1922
Three Musketeers 1932
Fifth Avenue 1936 and many more. The Hershey Chocolate Company makes several chocolate bars that have been enjoyed for many years. The Krackel Chocolate bar was introduced in 1938 and the bars first contained almonds and then in 1939 peanuts were added alongside of the almonds. In 1941 the Hershey company changed the direction of the Krackel bar and removed all nuts and peanuts
which is the way we know the Krackel bar today. The shape of the York Peppermint Pattie may be round but it is still considered a chocolate bar. The Peppermint Pattie was introduced in 1940 and is still enjoyed today.

Chocolate bars can be used for fundraising
as where a sports team
corporation or school uses the chocolate bars to raise money for needed supplies. There are companies that put their corporate logo on the chocolate for use at promotional shows
incentive programs
and customer appreciation or to encourage attendance at board meetings. Wedding favors and other special parties
such as Bar Mitzvahs or milestone birthdays or anniversaries
are perfect occasions to use personalized chocolate bars to mark the day.
read more “Chocolate Bars - Still Delicious”

For years we've touted the health benefits of food
especially fruits and vegetables. Chocolate? Well
not so straight forward. We all secretly loved it but couldn't swear by it. Indeed people have been made to feel guilty trying to talk about chocolate. It has been seen as a form of self indulgence that people were expected to avoid. Recent findings about chocolate has however confirmed the chocoholics were right afterall. They had an instinctive understanding of body needs.

Discovered centuries ago by the Aztecs during the reign of Emperor Montezuma
cocoa beans were such valuable commodities they were said to have divine qualities
hence the botanic name - Theobroma cacao
food of the gods. They were said to provide great energy and a lot of sexual appeal. The many varied forms of chocolate as we have presently had it's roots from Spain where they added hot water

Now after many years of denial
chocolate is set to become the food of choice for many health conscious people. Rich in flavanoids and antioxidants
chocolate provides great health benefits for the body
especially the heart. Can chocolate be classified as a super food? Only time will tell. High in energy and rich in carbohydrates
and vegetable proteins
chocolate has large quantities of potassium and magnesium
some calcium and sodium
and vitamins A1
and E.

Obviously these benefits are best utilised the more unrefined chocolate is
hence a preference for dark chocolates. The quality of cocoa content is therefore to be taken into consideration when buying chocolate. Just go for proper chocolate and not the one that is dressed up with crusty toffees.


Flavonoids are multi coloured plant pigments found in plants and are known to provide protection to our bodies from toxins which the body carries because of food processing. This helps the body's cells to overcome damages caused by free radicals
which is a by product of bodily activities. Some foods rich in flavanoids are apples
red wine
onions and cranberries. What happens when you add chocolate and wine? Watch this video to find out.
read more “Chocolate And Wine - A Match Made In Heaven. Watch Video”

These days you can go for more than a couple of days without reading an article
watching a television show or see a commercial related to the huge global problem of overweight. It is a fact that more and more people are becoming obese and the main causes are poor exercise habits and the wrong diet.

One of the problems with people’s diets is that it contains a lot of fat (and of the unhealthy kind). If people would try to focus a little more on some low fat foods like chicken the problem would at least be reduced somewhat.

For that reason I’ll give you a few of my favorite recipes to try at home and if you like it then you are free to pass them on to friends and family that might need to loose a few pounds. An idea could be to invite them all over for dinner and if they like what you have cooked for them they might ask for the recipe them selves.

I would like to give you the recipe for a Low-Fat Chicken Rice Casserole that I find really tasteful and it is easy to do.

First you heat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a large saucepan you blend flour
salt and pepper. Then you stir in broth and milk. You need to keep stirring constantly while cooking over low heat
until the mixture is smooth and bubbly.

Then you bring it to boil and you stir for another 1 minute. Finally you stir in the remaining ingredients.

When finished you pour it into an NON-greased baking dish (10x6x1.5")
or a 1 1/2-quart casserole. Both will work perfectly.

Then you bake it all uncovered for 40 to 45 minutes. Before serving it you can sprinkle with snipped parsley.

The ingredients you need: 1/3 Cup All-Purpose Flour
tsp Salt
tsp Pepper
Cup Nonfat chicken broth
Cups Skim milk
Cups Cooked Rice (White or Wild)
Cups Chicken breasts without skin (cooked)
Ounces Mushrooms and 1/3 Cup Chopped green bell pepper.

This recipe is with a serving size of 4 so if you are inviting more the 3 guests over for chicken
you will need to multiply the ingredients needed so there will be enough for everyone.
read more “Chicken Recipe”

Cheia Vida by Alive Worldwide is a wonderful product and literally everyone I show it too loves it. It is a multi-functional drink that is a energy drink
a weight loss drink
Speeds metabolism
and is loaded with antioxidant support.

Cheia Vida has many ingredients harvested from the Amazon Rainforest in a very earth friendly way. The ingredients include Acia berries for total antioxidant support (even more antioxidants than orange juice or blueberries) and their are a host of other benefits of Acai you can read about on my website. Cheia Vida also contains Cha De burgre
a natural stimulant and mood enhancer that has long been known about in brazil and other countries but is new in the USA. Also it contains Yerba Mate
also a known natural mood lifting stimulant.

Also Cheia Vida contains Green tea another excellent source of many healthy ingredients. Cheia vida alo has anti-fungal properties and has a colon cleansing effect that is excellent.

Cheia Vida actually helps your body accept less fatty deposits from the food you eat while it controls your appetite making it the best weight loss product I've ever seen. In fact I've lost over ten pounds without really trying to. I was using it primarily for the energy boost effect
but found after a week and a half I lost over ten pounds.

This product is real and although it is a MLM company
Alive worldwide also supplies all of its associates with a retail website
with a simple shopping cart style for those not interested in the home business aspect. This way
you can buy Cheia Vida quick and simple without "joining" anything. Many of our distributors have had great success with these retail sites.

Alive Worldwide's MLM distributors are finding this product and company to be very easy to work with and the founder
Scotty Paulson has shown that her really cares about his people and makes them feel that they are being taken care of in a professional way. He does not claim you will get rich with no effort
rather he honestly tells everyone that they will get back what they put into their business. If you are a hard worker you will go far with Alive worldwide! You can learn more here:
read more “Cheia Vida Is The Best Health Drink”

The senses come alive in Spain - acutely and accurately. For anyone wanting to sample the sensual flavors of authentic Spanish cooking
Spain is guaranteed to be a paradise of sorts. Picture these: fresh seafood
the most tender and delectable meat
rich spices
and newly picked fruits. Then
add to all that sunshine kissing your face
a cool wind blowing strands of hair off your face
and the lulling sound of waves telling you you're right where you belong. Who could say no to having such a beautiful dream come true? No one
and cheap flights from UK to Spain now make it easier than ever before for just about anyone to fly from anywhere in the world to the country where flamenco was born.

With airfare as low as ฃ50
cheap flights from UK to Spain depart from at least 25 UK airports
including Birmingham
and Liverpool. The frequency of departure of cheap flights from UK to Spain assures you a ready seat any day of the week.

The Proof of the Pudding Is in the Eating

Once you get to Spain
unleash the ultimate gastronome in yourself. Spain is a wonderland for the picky eater. Its geographic uniqueness
cultural diversity
and climate variations have yielded a wide array of dishes that are sure to delight any tongue or palate.

Surrounded by an ocean
Spain is a country that maximizes bounty from the sea. A large number of the country's dishes have seafood as the main ingredient. Discover how the haughty Espanola eat when you try calamari
or fried squid
boiled langosta
or lobster
or some fresh prawns or shrimps
also called gambas frescas.

A Richly Assorted Pot

Cheap flights from UK to Spain will not only let you catch glimpses of the running bulls of Pamplona. It will open culinary doors for you. With Jewish and Moorish influence permeating the entire country of Spain
it is no surprise that the heritage from these cultures has been sprinkled onto food as well. Subsequent variations to the preparation only give the dishes more flavor and at the same time
makes them truly and uniquely Spanish.

Typical Spanish Fare

Some of the dishes you shouldn't miss include:

Arroz a la Cubana: a rice dish cooked with black beans and tomato sauce
Cocido: stew consisting of meat and chickpeas
Lechazo asado: roasted lamb
Paella: gold-colored rice with slivers of pork liver and raisins; the golden color of the rice is imparted by saffron
one of the ingredients of the dish.
Chorizo: spicy sausage
Tortilla de patatas: simply egg omelet with potatoes

To Life
to Wine!

Besides being noted for its cuisine
Spain is also a well-known producer of wines.
Take time to sample wines from the at least 40 of the country's known wine regions. In choosing the appropriate wine to accompany your meal
rudimentary of the following terms will be most helpful to you.

A๑ejo: aged
Cepa: vine or grape name
Bodega: the winery that manufactured the wine
cosecha or vendimia: the vintage year

Note that all wine regions in Spain have a specialty. You may want to sample fruity white wines from the Northeastern Mediterranean
red wines from the Island of Mallorca
or strong red wines from the Southeast Mediterranean.

Cheap flights from UK to Spain offer you more than an opportunity to travel. It will bring you straight from the airport and into a richly textured and diverse cooking pot.
read more “Cheap Flights From UK To Spain From The Airport To A Cooking Pot”

The Chardonnay grape is an eminent white wine growing all around the world. This is the most popular white wine. The taste and flavours of Chardonnay are depending upon the origin location and processing methods. It yields a variety of flavours and styles. It is the major grape type in Champagne along with Pinot Noir. Due to its versatile flavours and styles
it expanded like a bush fire in Europe and in other parts of the world such as California
Australia and New Zealand.

As the wine makers paid attention in Chardonnay
it grew well in Chile and South Africa. As it is non-aromatic type
it is compatible with oak. French and American Chardonnay are the richest and complex whites. Although it has fatigue
but its wonderful flavours
richness will keep it popular for a long time.

The original recognition of Chardonnay comes from its boom in the Burgundy and Champagne area of France. Although it is labelled that White Burgundy is made from a less known grape Aligote
but the fact is White Burgundy can't be prepared without Chardonnay grape.

Chardonnay grapes are green-skinned and very thin skinned. According to the genetic science
it is the resultant of cross between Pinot and the Croatian Gouais Blanc grape. Although these two species are extinct
but Chardonnay is still popular.

Chardonnay grapes are generally fermented and aged in oak barrels
which yields the vanilla flavours in the wines. Chardonnay can also be fermented and aged in bottles
but it will not age as long as red wines.

As the Chardonnay wines are generally considered chilled
it clicks very well with chicken preparations and dishes with a lots of butter or cheeses. Chardonnay wines usually have less acid so it can match with seafood.

In America it is made by the malolactic fermentation with some oak. If it is fermented without oak
a soft wine will be produced with some mineral flavours. If it is aged with oak then the resultant wines will have caramel
vanilla and butter flavours with a blend of Smokey aroma.

Chardonnay is also used to make Champagne; the example of 100% Chardonnay Champagne is Blanc de Blanc. Furthermore
Chardonnay can be used to make some sparkling wines.

Chardonnay is now eighth-ranked in world chart of grape cultivation with estimated planting areas of 140
hectares. It is planted mostly in Australia
France and America. Its popularity has caused a repercussion from some wine lovers
who do not like any wine but Chardonnay. This causes the monopoly of Chardonnay in the wine market.
read more “Chardonnay - an eminent white wine”

Almost everyone on the planet has heard of Chardonnay
in fact it is so popular that some people even name their children after it.

Chardonnay is commonly ordered as a type of wine from bars and restaurants but it is in fact the name of the most popular and possibly the most versatile grape in the world.

Almost all white Burgundy from Bourgogne Blanc to Chablis is made from 100% chardonnay grapes. The Chardonnay grape is also the mainstay in many types of champagne and is now even being used in Spain to make Cava.

The Chardonnay grape is so popular because it is easy to grow – that is probably why it is championed by so many grape producers. It can also be crafted into many different types of wines. Perhaps it is also so popular because it has little indigenous character of its own and instead displays the characteristics of the soil and climate where it is grown. Chardonnay has a propensity for acid and glycerine which is responsible for giving it a velvety texture – this is what is important in this type of grape. It is this texture which makes it so versatile when it comes to producing wine. It can be crafted into fresh lemony unoaked wine or aged in barrels to produce wine for a much richer palate. It is often seen as a cheap wine that is not worth trying but remember these grapes are used in top quality Chablis and Champagne
so don’t dismiss this grape and wine out of hand.

Chardonnay now comes in a host of different styles – gone are the days when all the bottles were heavily oaked
there is a chardonnay suitable for every palate and pocket and because of the versatility of the grape from almost every wine producing country in the world.

So which are the types of Chardonnay to look out for? What do they taste like? Here are a couple of generalisations to get you on your way. Of course the best way to find out which one is your favourite is to get your glass out and start tasting your way around a few of the bottles!

France produces a ream of different Chardonnays. For pure unoaked Chardonnay look for a Chablis labelled unoaked. This is great with fish as it is delicate and unobtrusive. For a clean flavoured wine with a subtle fruit aroma look to the Meursault and Montrachet regions

California produces wines that work well with grilled seasoned foods. The Napa valley produces great oaky fruity wines which are ideal for outdoor eating and drinking. For an even fruitier riper flavour try something from the Santa Barbara region
these highly flavoured wines will even taste great with grilled meats.

For a Chardonnay that is intensely flavoured and almost best drunk without food head to Australia and try something from the Hunter Valley. This tropically flavoured wine is great chilled and shared with a friend.

There are so many different types of Chardonnay from so many different countries that you are bound to find something to suit your palate. So what are you waiting for?
read more “Chardonnay The Universal Wine”

Chao Wang Food:

(Food Prepared for Royal or High-Class Families)

The food which is prepared for Royal family members or of the high-class people is different from that of the ordinary people. The Chao Wang food has its own delicate cooking; for example
Khieo Wan Kai must have only chicken meat without any bones
whereas the ordinary people’s Khieo Wan Kai contains with chicken both of meat and bones. The Chao Wang Namprig has beautifully carved vegeytables
side by side
to take with.

Some Bits about Thai Food:

Thai food is a Thai national symbol. It reveals the characteristics of the Thai people: their delicate taste
rules of conduct
artistic taste and human relationship. Thai food has its unique name with pr้cis meaning of feature
flavor or the methods of cooking
Tong Yip and Foi Thong are examples of Thai sweets in this case. To understand causes and effects of Thai food cooking is to achieve.

To preserve the Thai nationality
the learners of how to cook Thai food should both keep Thai national values of the past and also accept any new ones.

Thai Food of Each Festival:

Thai food is cooked in agreement with Thai festivals organized according to Thai religious customs.

The fifth Month (April):

The old Thai New Year is celebrated in this month of April (between April 13 and April 15). To relieve the hot weather in the summer month
the dainty Khao Chae
(-a luncheon dish which includes rice served in scented water with jasmine and rose petals
and with seven or eight side dishes-)
is used to serve monks
relatives and friends in the merit-making occasion. Kaaraamae (a Thai caramel) is made as well as Khao Niew Dang (Sweetened red glutinous rice) to give among friends and relatives.

The Sixth
Eighth Months:

The Eighth Month (July) is in the rainy season and the Buddhist Lent. Fruits are in abundance so they are preserved in many techniques of cooking: stirring
or cooking as well as soaking in thick syrup. Durian Guan
Kluai Guan
Kluai Taak
Sabparod Guan are examples. Fully ripe chillies are sundried for the needed time. Fully ripe and sour tamarind is pitted
sprinkled with salt
pasted and preserved for the coming days. Fishes which are also plentiful
are sundried or grilled
for the next days.

In these months
Thai people do their merit-making at the temple. They offer foods to the monks in the form called “Salaag Puut”
that is
the monks are offered foods by drawing slots. The baskets offered to the monks
contain with both fresh and dried foods. The people
offering foods to the monks
are very exited to see who is going to get their basket by drawing lots.

The Eighth Month is also the time for young Thai males to enter the monkhood. Folks helps bringing foods and sweets to join the occasion. The foods are of various kinds with ingredients of vegetables
coconut or sugar. One example of these is Yam Kamoei cooked with any food stuff found at hand but delicious with its sauce made with crunched
red chillies
fish soy
lime and sugar.

Main dishes are often many kinds of curries and lon (a kind of sauce served with raw vegetables). For the funeral
Plara Lon(a sauce made with fishes which are fermented by salted and roasted rice) and foods with noodle-ingredients are avoided because of Thai superstition of death prolongation.

The Ninth Month (August):

The Ninth Month is the most favorable month for wedding ceremony
new house merit making
and age meritorious performing. Favorite Thai sweets
symbolized fortunes and honors
Khanom Chaan (sweetened
light color pudding with many layers) and Khaaw Niew Kaew (sweetened
glassy glutinous rice) are favorably cooked.

The Tenth Month (September):

The Tenth Month (September) is the month for Sart Thai Festival.

Krajaa Sart (sweetened
and popped rice mixed with peanuts and sesames ) and Khaaw Yaa Koo(a cake made of sugar boiled with water received from crunched young rice grains) are popular sweets.

The Eleventh
Twelfth Monts:

The Eleventh Month (October) and the Twelfth Month (November) are months of Krathin Ceremony (the offering of Krathin Cloths to the monks) and Oogpaansaa (the outing of the Buddihist Lent ). Khaaw Tom Paad (glutinous rice wrapped by banana or bamboo leaves cooked by steaming ) are offered to the monks in this festival. Other favorite foods are rice cooked and wrapped in lotus or banana leaves accompanied by fried food such as Paad Prig Khing
dried curries
Namprig Makaam Paad
Namprig Makaam Piak and Namprig Taa Dang including salted food as salted meat and salted eggs
along with vegetables plucked along the way.

The Fist Lunar Month (Dyan Aaai or January)

The Fist Lunar Month (Dyan Aaai or January) of the old days was full of shrimps in the canal. Tha main ingredients of food in this month
were shrimps.
read more “Chao Wang Food And Thai Food Of Each Festival”

Not everyone knows about the fact that you can get not only organic produce but also organic meats. This enables you to change your entire dietary lifestyle if you so wish
without having to compromise on such things as organic meats and organic dairy products
substituting the non-organic stuff instead.

In fact
if you do your grocery shopping in a place where organic foods are readily available
you will find the organic meats and dairy products to be readily available alongside their stock of organic fruits
vegetables and processed foods. This is also true
maybe especially more so
of online organic food stores and suppliers.

So what is the deal with organic meats? Well for one thing
organically reared animals are treated to a different regimen than animals reared on normal farms. For one thing
these animals are only fed organic foods.

This means that they don’t have any non-organic foods in their diets at all from the very beginning. They are only fed on high quality organic produce. There is also the small factor of not having any antibiotics pumped into these animals as well as not being subject to other potentially harmful toxins.

Just because you prefer organic foods
it doesn’t mean that you have to become vegetarian or even vegan. You can still enjoy the same sumptuous foursquare meals that you’re used to without loss of vital ingredients. This is where knowing where to get your organic meats can come in handy.

And part and parcel with organic meats
come organic dairy products. Since animals reared in an organic farming environment will also produce organic dairy products as well
you have that assurance that you can still enjoy your port and cheese!

All that aside
when you’re looking at organic meats
you will also want to look at the various processed organic foods as well
that contains meat. Unless it has been specifically stated that the ingredients within the packaging s 100% organic you might find yourself faced with only some of the items being organic.

This applies to any meats to be found in the product as well. Unless it has been stated specifically that the meats contained are organic meats you might want to think twice before buying these types of processed foods.

If you’re having trouble finding not only organic meats but organic fish as well
you might want to try your hand at finding an organic foods supplier online. You will more than likely have better luck at these places finding
and purchasing
your organic meats
fish and dairy produce.
read more “Change Your Entire Dietary Lifestyle With Organic Meats”

A selection of musings on the effervescent nectar from the great and the good...

“my only regret in life is that I didn’t drink enough Champagne”
John Maynard Keynes

“there comes a time in every woman's life when the only thing that helps is a glass of Champagne”
Bette Davis

“in victory
you deserve Champagne
in defeat
you need it”
Napoleon Bonaparte

“no government could survive without Champagne. Champagne in the throats of our diplomatic people is like oil in the wheels of an engine”
Joseph Dargent

“I only drink Champagne when I'm happy
and when I'm sad. sometimes I drink it when I'm alone. when I have company
I consider it obligatory. I trifle with it if I am not hungry and drink it when I am. otherwise I never touch it - unless I'm thirsty”
Lily Bollinger

“three be the things I shall never attain: envy
and sufficient Champagne”
Dorothy Parker

“meeting Franklin Roosevelt was like opening your first bottle of Champagne; knowing him was like drinking it. “
Winston Churchill

“come quickly
I am tasting the stars!”
Dom Perignon

“remember gentlemen
it's not just France we are fighting for
it's Champagne!”
Winston Churchill

in the little moment that remains to us between the crisis and the catastrophe
we may as well drink a glass of Champagne”
Paul Claudel

“in a perfect world
everyone would have a glass of Champagne every evening”
Willie Gluckstern

“Champagne is the one thing that gives me zest when I feel tired”
Brigitte Bardot

“why do I drink Champagne for breakfast? doesn't everyone?”
Noel Coward

“too much of anything is bad
but too much Champagne is just right”
Mark Twain

“I had taken two finger-bowls of Champagne
and the scene had changed before my eyes into something significant
elemental and profound”
F Scott Fitzgerald
read more “Champagne - 15 Great Quotes about Bubbly”

When you are looking for a wine gift
or a gift in general there is nothing else that creates such a sense of occasion than champagne. So why not put the two together and send champagne as a gift. Ideal for celebrations like weddings
engagements or just to say ‘I love you’ at anytime of the year
champagne creates a fizz at any event and is always appreciated by the party host.

Champagne gifts come in a range of different ideas
so there is bound to be one to suit the person you are buying for and you pocket. A single bottle of champagne
beautifully packed in a stylish box is a gift suitable for even the most discerning palates. For something a bit different you could go for a ros้ this will appeal to everyone on a summer’s day and is a different take on the usual wine.

However if you wake to really make an impression and also make the party last twice as long why not go for a Magnum - one magnificent 150cl bottle – It will be twice as appreciated and all those bubbles are bound to get the party started. A gift that's sure to get you noticed!

You could also spoil someone rotten with 6 bottles of champagne. This will enable the party to last for several days or just ensure they have some bubbly in store for whenever you come round to visit!

When it comes to buying the champagne
what better place to look than online. Not only is there a host of different products available
but they are delivered direct to the person you want to give to.

The champagne gifts are always excellently presented in special boxes
and because they are delivered by the company directly there is less chance of damage occurring en route
allowing your gift recipient to receive a perfect present direct to their doorstep. Ready for them to open with that unmistakeable ‘pop’

The best part about sending champagne online though is that you don’t have to trawl through the shops looking for the product. It allows you to avoid the sales patter of the salesperson and the queuing crowds of the checkout.

In addition to that
you can choose exactly what you want with the guarantee that your champagne will be perfectly presented and will arrive safely.
read more “Celebrate With The Gift Of Champagne”
