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A new cottage type industry has sprung up over the past twenty-five years that has looked at the health aspect of coffee drinking. It’s no surprise because worldwide over four hundred million portions are drunk daily. However
health experts have questioned its safety. Recent studies have shown that the benefits may outweigh the risks.

The prime ingredient in your cup of cappuccino is caffeine. It a known type of stimulant. Blood pressures rise
heart rates increase and sometimes this can result in irregular beats. However scientists are sure the effects are only mild and only temporary. In contrast to this
new information suggests certain healthy aspects.

A cure for cancer? No – plenty of evidence shows that it may help minimalise any risk of colon cancer
but only if you drink four plus cups a day. Unfortunately that level of drinking could have counteraffects also.

Heard the saying
everything in moderation? Well this is also true of coffee. As with wine
coffee has antioxidants that do protect you against heart diseases and some cancers. It removes the cells that destroy oxygen from your blood. However
others contend that you get more from apples
cranberries and tomatoes. Others suggest vitamins
minerals and fibre in vegetables and fruit are best.

Chinese scientists show that drinking your coffee can reduce the horrible symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Drinking regular and decaffeinated coffees
according to the Scandinavians and Americans may also reduce type 2 diabetes. Note - Scandinavians have the highest consumption worldwide.

It is also said that it may help in the reduction of kidney and gallstones. Improvements in digestion because of the increase in the stomach’s acid are also apparent.

If you are an asthmatic
ask your doctor about evidence that it can help lower constrictions in airways. Interestingly
coffee has theophylline
a well-known bronchiodialator.

Unfortunately there also risks. It is known that male sperm swim fast
go further and last longer in coffee laced fluids
but female fertility can suffer. Others may suffer high amounts of homocyteine levels in their blood
which can cause heart disease if you drink too much. Harmful LDL cholesterol has been found due to increased levels of cafestol produced during the European water boiling process. Thankfully filters and percolators remove most of it.

There has been a noticeable rise in calcium loss and a decrease in bone density in coffee consuming women versus those who don’t. Four cups daily may give you incontinence. Others may find sensitivity to caffeine that in my personal experience with one main coffee-house can cause hormonal changes to the point of getting non-malignant breast tumours.

Fortunately the benefits do outweigh the risk as long as you stick to moderate drinking. However for those truly caffeine addicted folk
especially those who cannot survive on moderate levels
try drinking a cola. You can get your fix with 1/3 caffeine to every ounce. There again maybe a cola versus a latte is not worth the gamble.
