For a coffee lover like me….I sometimes like a good cup of tea.
In this busy world there is nothing finer than taking time out from a busy schedule to enjoy a quiet cuppa by ones self. Sitting back with a steaming espresso in hand is like entering an oasis of sanity in the middle of a hectic day.
But then again I do relish sharing a brew with one or more friends whether it is when they come to visit me at home
or if we all meet up at a coffee house.
Coffee and tea are an indispensable social tradition the world over. I know I am grossly insulted if someone comes to my house and turns down my offer of a cup of the good brew
if it is summer and the temperature is running a little high many people prefer iced coffee or tea to cool them down rather than to warm them up. Now days
there are also some really enticing gourmet blends on the market which include a variety of fruit or nut flavors that add something special to any occasion.
Both coffee and tea are stimulants which contain caffeine. However if you are looking to wind down instead of be up-lifted
you can opt for decaffeinated coffee where the beans undergo a process to have the caffeine content removed. The only draw back is the decaffeination process tends to take some of the flavor with it
so it is best to buy a premium grade of coffee when you want the “no kick” or light variety.
Some people can’t drink coffee or tea at all because it affects their blood pressure. More commonly people won’t touch coffee because it interferes with their sleep patterns. Naturally enough if you do have trouble sleeping then it would be best not to have a full strength brew just before you go to bed. Maybe an herbal tea would be a better choice.
you may like to switch to a caffeine-free version of your favorite brew at bed time. Of course if you want a bit more buck
then you can always try one of those flavored stirrers that are becoming more and more popular and readily available in supermarkets everywhere these days.
Coffee and tea are the caffeine twins (although coffee is the one with all the hitting power); however it is quite ironic that both are associated with comfort and relaxation when really the opposite is in fact the case. If you are really looking to wind down beer or wine are probably better depressants.
We all have our different daily rituals when it comes to drinking coffee or tea.
First thing in the morning I prefer the jolt of a good espresso. The aroma is as stimulating as the coffee itself. It might seem strange but at lunch time I enjoy a cup of tea
something like English breakfast tea does it for me at this time of the day.
Lately with the arrival of warmer weather I have taken to drinking Chai tea. The spicy taste is quite refreshing and I like it either black or with a dash of milk. By the close of day I really like to finish off with a top quality gourmet blend coffee and possibly a glass of port or a small brandy on the side.
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